The High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the US: A Barrier To Medication Adherence

By Sahily Paoline, Chief Clinical Officer at Xevant

The prices of prescription drugs in the United States have become a significant obstacle for many individuals seeking access to essential medications. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation shares that the average price increase for drugs from 2016 to 2022 was 31.6%.

The burden of high drug costs often leads to individuals avoiding filling their prescriptions or adhering to prescribed treatment plans, resulting in non-adherence and potentially detrimental health consequences. This article examines the reasons behind this issue, explores potential solutions, and provides advice for readers facing financial difficulties due to drug costs.

Is Upskilling the Key To Employee Retention?

By Megan Foster, Director of People Operations at Xevant

The pandemic fundamentally scared companies. For the first time in a number of years, companies were scrambling to hold onto staff and watching a growing wave of vacancies erode any capacity for production, even after forced separation was no longer required. Some corporations even went so far as to continue to pay employees during their time off in order to prevent them from becoming available on the market and getting hired by a competitor.

For years, compensation was the most reliable and easiest motivation to hold onto valued employees. However, as new generations, such as millennials and even younger, started joining the workforce, much more than compensation started to be considered in order to retain valuable skilled employees.

PBM Transparency Legislation Expected To Be Brought By Congress

Transparency is what PBMs need to be thinking about, Brandon Newman, founder and CEO of Xevant, a data analytics company. “We have to show we’re not hiding behind something, we’re not trying to keep something from our clients or the market,” he said. “And that leads us to the conversation about value.”

Can AI Solve the Adderall Shortage?

By Sahily Paoline, Chief Clinical Officer at Xevant

As children around the country head back to school, the nationwide Adderall shortage is a growing issue for those with ADHD; it is currently estimated that six million children suffer from ADHD in the USA this year. The shortage of this drug has a prominent impact on the future generations of our country, as those without the medication will have impacts on their ability to learn and retain information, attend class, and their overall academic performance.

People First Leaders Podcast: Empowering People To Achieve Greatness With Brandon Newman

In this episode, your host Doug Utberg speaks with Brandon Newman, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Xevant, about his experiences and learnings on meaningful entrepreneurship, emphasizing ventures that solve problems and have a purpose.

Brandon emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals via visionary leadership, placing a greater emphasis on human development than task-based management.

Pharmacy Staffing Shortages Lead To Disruptions in Patient Care

“The discussion around staffing issues in pharmacies gained significant attention during the early stages of the pandemic in 2020,” said Sahily Paoline, PharmD, Chief Clinical Officer at Xevant. “COVID-19 brought about unique challenges for pharmacies, including increased demand for medications, vaccine distribution efforts, and the need for additional safety protocols.”

How To Navigate High-Growth Environments and Boost Revenue Through Visionary Leadership

By Brandon Newman, CEO & Founder of Xevant

Leading a startup through high growth is exciting yet intimidating. As opportunities continue to arise, entrepreneurs must find ways to manage rapid expansion without compromising stability. To do this successfully requires knowledge from experienced professionals who have been in similar positions and know how best to approach this stage of growth.

The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast: Access To Better Healthcare With Xevant’s Brandon Newman

In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks to the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Xevant, Brandon Newman. Brandon highlighted that the healthcare industry is shifting towards the pharmacy as the focal point, with high-cost specialty drugs and personalized drug development becoming more prevalent. Xevant is at the forefront of this shift, combining innovation and automation to provide real-time analysis and help patients find the most cost-effective and suitable medications.

Driving Down Drug Costs: How Real-Time Transparency in PBMs Can Make A Difference

By Brandon Newman, CEO & Founder of Xevant

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, transparency in pharmacy benefit management (PBM) has emerged as a critical issue. The discussion surrounding driving down prescription drug costs and increasing access to affordable medications has brought attention to the practices of PBMs. However, achieving true transparency requires more than just buzzwords; it necessitates access to real-time data that empowers consumers to make informed decisions about their healthcare. In this piece, we will explore the importance of real-time transparency in PBMs and highlight how Xevant, a leading platform, is revolutionizing the industry.